Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Not A Rejection slip

Wonder of all wonders. A real life agent has requested my manuscript. I'd like to thank Nathan Bransford for his continued great information. I did not have enough rejection slips to paper my bathroom. It was barely enough to put in a folder. I am Snoopy dancing.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Started my wallpaper project with my reject letters. Come on. Trust me. You'd like my story. Calling all agents. There's so much to enjoy. Broken man meets a fellow broken woman. She's funny and makes him laugh. A whole bunch of other stuff happens. There. How's that for a query letter. As if.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Miner's Pass

One would think nothing was going on if by chance one would happen into this blog. It turns out of course the book wasn't finished. I have completed it (until it is a published work, I will always be revising) and several things have happened. I have changed the title because there were all ready several books titled "The Big Thaw". It is now "Miner's Pass." My story has two parts. The first part of Miner's Pass is called "The Big Thaw". The second half is called "Miracles and Mysteries of Miner's Pass." It really is romantic comedy. I don't know how else to categorize it. If it was a movie, Sandra Bullock would be awesome, or Tea Leone, or Jennifer Aniston. It would have to be a funny actress.
But it's not. It's just a little story written by little old me. Back to work.